Monday 6 September 2010

Classic Game Room visits CARNEGIE MELLON E.T.C. Part 1

OK the rest is in italic because the description is not in my own words

Part 1. Robots, videogames, Iron Man and R2-D2... Classic Game Room visits Carnegie Mellon University Entertainment Technology Center where students earn a masters degree in entertainment technology which can help them land jobs in the video game industry, robotics and world domination. Come visit the CMU ETC with CGR and marvel at their collection of video game, movie and robotics paraphernalia. Mentors like C-3PO, R2-D2, Gort and Iron Man await student who want to spend two years and countless hours learning to defy ordinary and create games in a group environment. Game design isn't easy but with motivation like this who wouldn't want to do it? Even their bathroom has a Super Mario Bros. theme. See Quasi the robot and robot from Terminator 2 as well as the Hoffbrauhaus across the river

Re: Games that suck - Treasure Master

More proof this game is a peace of crap youtube quote

'Armake is right, this game is crappy, there's more shit involved with it than you could ever imagine. You die in the cheapest ways and enemies are either random or they bum rush you.'
yeah, it crap and heres more footage to show the joke of a game. What the hell were they thinking when they released this peace of crap.

Games that suck- Treasure master

Proof that games in the past really did suck especially games made for NES. Treasure master is a NES game that was made for a competition, I haven't played it so I cant judge but from what I hear in this video and see its the type of game to ignore.

Saturday 4 September 2010

gamespot Mass Effect 2: Lair of the Shadow Broker Hands-On

I am excited for this download, not only does bioware promise it going to be a premium DLC there will be 5 levels of open ended gameplay. This could possible give us an insight for ME3, and their could be a possible love interest can be involved with liara. Unfortunately there is no mention of her bring he on the team to fight the collectors, for more info visit

Fallout: New Vegas Gameplay - Grenade Machine Gun

In this video shows how in fallout new vegas the grenade machine gun works, so far not bad!

Fallout: New Vegas Gameplay - Victor Robot Battle

I'm a big BIG fan of fallout 3 so now they release a couple of gameplay trailers of the game. even though I have no money to purchase the latest one fallout: new Vegas I will keep a close eye on it. in this video their is a shootout between a robot, see more on

Friday 3 September 2010

How to not be a success at game reviewing

This is a video made by a youtube user called boxentertainment21 who makes some interesting and sometimes funny videos. This particularly video was meant to be apart of his DVD that he planned to distribute freely at one point. In this video he pretends to be a bad reviewer, reviewing Castlevaina on the NES. Fable III Updated Hands-On

Okay, Im not a fan of the last two because how they came out but still im intrested enough to see how fable 3 has change. This is mainly a link from to inform me of what to expect from fable 3 here is the link.

Bring the fight to the Shadow Broker

Mass Effect 2 is bring out a new DLC called Mass Effect 2 - Lair of the Shadow Broker. In one of the missions with Dr Tsoni (spoiler alert) she talks about how the shadow broker was going to sell Shepherds body to the collectors, so liara comes to the rescue giving shepherd body to Cerberus who restores Shepherd to take down the collectors.(spoiler ended) . hopefully now my character can assist Dr Tsoni to take some serious revenge.

Enhanced by Zemanta

Thursday 2 September 2010

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days Angry Review! IT SUCKS!

Angry Joe talks about what makes kane and lynch 2: dog days good and bad and why it should not be brought. Angry Joe proves that cool camera effects and a shaken camera does not make a good game. Its short, has crap story and no real improvement in the cover system or shooting system. The only innovation is when Kane and lynch run naked through Shanghai again, no improvemnts  so no purchase. Why is IO wasting their efforts creating crap like this instead of  hitman 5. A good point he brought up is the good score being placed on bad games.